The final stop

The final stop here is not the destination of my journey to university, but the destination of the transport route - my place of disembarkation. This is usually one of two choices: Esplanade or Central Station. In both cases, the last steps from the stop to the main building of the University of Latvia lead along Rainis Boulevard, where we see some of Latvia's internationally known symbols: the Freedom Monument, the Opera, the Riga Canal and the Art Nouveau embassy buildings. Wherever you get off the transport, you will have to see the Freedom Monument and the canal. They can serve as an inspiring symbol for a sleepy morning, and these symbolic places, immortalized in Latvian postcards, are always visible from the university windows. Sometimes in the later hours, looking through the audience's windows, you can see not only the Bastejkalns and the canal in twilight, but also the three stars, lit up by the sunset, in the hands of Milda. The place of disembarkation and the place from which you go to Rainis Boulevard 19 are also part of the day and determine how productive and inspiring it will be as the hours go by. More than once these beautiful buildings and Milda herself have seen me running along the boulevard and trying to make it to the beginning of the lecture.

Content by Tomass Zutis ( 18004)