The morning jog

Suppose that the get-up has been successful, and the alarm has not been overslept - this means that one important step towards a lecture at the university has already been taken. However, there are still many different obstacles, such as whether breakfast is eaten on time, whether the right set of clothes has been found, and whether all electronic devices are charged and ready for use. If the answer to everything above is yes, then it is possible to move on to the next step. This important step on the way to university is called "Getting on Transport". In my case, it can almost always be called a small morning jog, because no matter how hard I try, the cards have been dealt and they are unfavourable to me - I never get to the transport stop on time. If you see me in a rush, then it probably means that I have fought hard to put my foot in the bus door before it closes. The reasons for the delay can be various – not fast enough made or enjoyed breakfast, too unclear of an idea of what someone’s outfit should look like today, messy hair that does not give in for styling, or just a lack of desire to make it on time.

Content by Tomass Zutis ( 18004)