The forest

One of the constant realities of living in Mežciems is, as the Latvian name of the district might suggest, the forest. This must always be taken into account here. The forest surrounds Mežciems from almost all sides. Without driving through or past the forest, you can get out of the district only to Pļavnieki, where the road leads along, naturally, meadow. Nowadays, the newer construction work makes these strict boundaries blurred and in some places this statement about the area surrounded by forest is starting to lose its truth, but for the time being, to get from Mežciems to the center, you will always have to go through the forest. Whatever mode of transport is chosen, this statement remains true. It is like a routine for every morning, something to be expected in the changing landscape of Riga, on the way to university. Either through Biķernieki or Šmerlis forest road, you will have to observe fast-flashing tree trunks and shady moss plains. If I suddenly do not see the forest when driving from Mežciems, I know that I am not really going to the University.

Content by Tomass Zutis ( 18004)