7 am

It is 7 in the morning and to make it to the first class of the day I need to get up urgently. In a very irritating tone, like on every weekday, the alarm goes off. The alarm clock doesn’t make only noise, it gives off blue light in which you can barely make out the clock numbers. It is irritating to acknowledge that suddenly i need to move not only my hands but also my whole upper body, to be able to turn off the irritating tone of the alarm and make it stop signalling to the whole house that the time to get up is now. It is not enough to merely push a button for my alarm clock. You need to pick it up and turn it around with such vigour and an unlikely speed for the morning hour, so it would feel the need to stop. 7 am is my chosen time to get up to be able to make it to the 8:30 am class, which is located at the university main building in Raiņa boulevard 19. Anything later than this time endangers my ability to make it there before the start of the class and anything earlier than this time is a pointless spiting of the Universe and the slow and tiresome course towards my bachelor’s degree that I’ve taken. As i’m getting up, a symbolic border between night and day is overstepped. As i’m opening my eyes the evening is changed into morning, as I get on my feet, the slumber is replaced by awakening and as I open my blinds, the bed chamber in twilight turns into a sunlit room, where preparations for the daily studies commence.

Content by Tomass Zutis (st.apl.nr 18004)